

"By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail" - Benjamin Franklin


Classroom Tests was born out of a desire to help facilitate learning. The site aims to reinforce what the pupil has learned at school or college and establish whether they have gained a true understanding of their subject.

"What They See is What They 'll Be" - Kathleen Bertrand

"When my son Dominic was 6 years old he was diagnosed with short term memory issues. We had to make adjustments in our family dynamic in order to try to provide the best education we could for him.

With a background in IT and programming, I used my skills to build a website to help him with a daily revision routine. The website initially consisted of the three core areas i.e. Math, English and Science.

As he grew older we added more subjects and when his siblings came along they, in turn started using the site.

The site has now been revamped and following the death of our beloved son in October 2015 at the age of 18, we have now opened the site to the public for FREE.
Dominic was an aspiring film maker http://www.classroomtests.co/ClassroomTests_About_Dom.wmvstudying for his driving theory test, when his life was so tragically cut short. We want to honour our son's memory by giving something back to the education system and hopefully help the many children around the world to achieve their goals.

This site is FREE to use, you just have to register so your results can be recorded and emailed to you.

Our children face many tests throughout their education and we believe a 'little and often' approach is the best way to help them achieve their full potential.

That is why our motto is the Benjamin Franklin quote: By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."

Andrew Bernard, Founder


These were the key motives behind the development of the Classroom Tests website. This site will not only enable you to help your children with their revision, but also to actually see for yourself how much they really understand by allowing you to easily track their progress.

Incorporating the latest National curriculum in England including the framework for key stages 1 to 4. See https://www.gov.uk/national-curriculum/overview or for a more detailed look see the latest National curriculum Framework document.
For Pre-School we also cover some of the key topics from EYFS (The Early Years Foundation Stage which sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old).
For more information around the upcoming changes being implemented from 2016 we encourage you to watch the 10min video clip on YouTube produced by the Standards and Testing Agency.

For those in the USA & Canada etc... this includes coverage of the K-12 levels.

Finally we also include tests that provide some "Skills for Life" such as Driving Tests, Psychometric Tests to help with Job Interviews and many more...

Tips for Parents

1. Please do not use fear as a motivator in a -ve sense. The result is often compliance rather than
"If you don't do your revision you will fail your exams !"
    This will gain compliance not commitment and as John Comer said
No significant learning can occur without a significant relationship"

2. Remind your child to read the question carefully before attempting to write the answer.
     A common mistake in exams is that people jump to conclusions about what the question is asking before
     they have read it fully.

3. Remind your child that everyone gets stuck on a question at some point so just remember to move on to
     the next question and come back if you have time.

     As John Wooden said "Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." 


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